Two-Minute Toolbox: Find Related Products to Sell on Amazon with Black Box’s Niche Function

Already have a successful Amazon private label product? Learn how to find new, related products to sell using our Black Box tool.

Today’s Two-Minute Toolbox is about finding a new product idea by expanding on the private label product you’re already selling.

One of the most efficient ways of scaling up your Amazon business as an Amazon seller is by expanding your brand into new products.

This article goes a step beyond variations in size, color, and so forth. This is about marketing to your audience who already likes your product, and using Helium 10’s Black Box to help find new products to sell on Amazon that that same audience would enjoy.

Basically, we’ll be finding products by association.

Let’s dive in.


What you’re likely already doing (right)

Assuming your first successful product is doing well and bringing in sales, you probably already did the product research route to find your product, even possibly using Black Box to help you.

(If you’re a new Amazon seller here, though, and need to backup a few steps, check out our primer – Amazon Product Research 101).

The general strategy we advise for Black Box and product research is to use the filters to narrow down product searches into a pool of search terms that have low or poor-quality competition and relatively high demand.

This can also mean a ratio of low competition/supply to high demand since demand can be somewhat subjective. For example, 100 searches a month might be considered a good trending products opportunity if nobody else is selling that product.

But what if you’re already selling a successful Amazon product? You’re probably thinking about scaling.

Product variations: your first steps to expanding

Once your Amazon Marketplace account is running smoothly and your first successful private label product is bringing in steady income, you’ll grow as you bring in more sales, order more inventory, improve your branded product, and so forth.

But at some point your income will probably plateau. That’s why scaling up is important. You’ll need to do something different to break that plateau, because the same old formula isn’t going to pull the same results anymore.

One of the best ways to scale up is by expanding your Amazon product.

Depending on your product type, one of the most common forms of expanding is offering product variations (child ASINs), typically colors, sizes, or even bundles.

For example, anything from water bottles to food containers to home decor and beauty products can be offered in different colors. (This is the time to use our Review Insights tool to find what customers want).

Apparel, consumables, and things with volume (such as the aforementioned water bottles) can be offered in different sizes.

Color is probably the easiest variation to implement since you don’t have to change much about the original product. Size takes a bit more work since it might require a new mold, template, or pattern to produce.

Now if you’re sitting here impatiently tapping your foot because you’ve already implemented the size/color variation trick, then see below.

Helium 10 blackbox

Ready to launch a totally new (but still related) product?

If size and color variations are old news to you, we’d like to introduce you to the Niche tab inside the Black Box tool.

The Niche tab goes beyond finding in-demand keywords; it produces searches that look specifically for products related to a product you specify.

It’s a big psychology experiment. Basically it takes a seed keyword that you determine (think the top keyword for your product), and then narrows down the search results using a different word.

In this example, I went to the niche tab and entered “skull planter,” which had 138 results – and most of the results probably only showed up because someone keyword stuffed (I got a lot of Groot planters…).

I opened up the advanced filters tab, however, and just entered “skull.”

Running this search narrowed the results down to 89 products.

Most of these products ended up being different types of skull planters, which, if I were selling one, could give me more ideas on designs. But it also allowed me to find different products that my hypothetical audience could be interested in, such as these hanging LED lights, crystal figurines, and even a decanter.

amazon product
amazon product ASIN

While none of these are explicitly related to a planter pot, they’re in the same niche as the skull planter, and therefore could likely be of interest to your same audience.

(I chose “skull planter” as an example because I have one sitting on my desk, so yes, I can attest to the fact that I would absolutely buy at least two of the three things listed above. The decanter would actually make a great terrarium glass ….)

Using the Niche tab is a great way to find these associated products that you might not think of off the top of your head.

And of course, Black Box uses both Helium 10 and Amazon’s databases so that you’re getting more informative results than just searching around directly on Amazon itself. It’ll save you a lot of time, and as anyone in business knows, time is money.


It’s like word association, but with sales

This is, of course, just one of many ways to find products to sell on Amazon. If you want more ideas for product research, check out what else our Black Box tool can do.

The Niche tab is a great way to start researching products that will help you scale up, however. It’s like word association – except the results could actually make you money.

Now head on over and get searching!

Original Post from Helium 10 – Related Product To Sell On Amazon

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